Develop a 6-Phase Framework for Comprehensive Team-Based Rope Rescue Training

On-Demand Courses for Rope Rescue Teams

1. Watch the Course

2. Execute the Plan

3. Refine the Goals

Challenges Rescue Teams Face

Inconsistent Training and Skills Application

Coordination and Communication Under Stress

Adapting to Complex Environments

Solutions to these Challenges

The solution is implementing a standardized, structured training program to ensure all team members are consistently skilled.

The solution lies in scenario-based training that emphasizes teamwork and communication in high-pressure environments.

The solution is continuous training focused on advanced techniques and real-world scenarios that push teams to adapt quickly and effectively.

Courses LEVEL 1

The Cornerstone Knowledge & Perception
The Art of Rope Rescue Coaching
​Gear In Use 1-8
​Knots Craft
​Anchors & Anchor Systems
​Force Multipliers
​Mechanical Advantage Theory
​Edge Safety in Search and Rescue
​Conversations in Rigging
​Belay Systems
​Litter Operations
​Midwall Pickoffs
​Personal Skills and Climber Rescue
​Elements of Rigging

Courses LEVEL 2

A Guide to AHD and TTRS
​Introduction to TTRS and AHDs
​SAR Advanced High Directional Skill Sets
​The Vortex Guidebook
​Advanced Rigging Physics 1 Vectors & MA
​Advanced Rigging Physics 2 - Equipment
​Advanced Rigging Physics 3 - Friction
​Mainline Systems
​Elevated Anchor Systems
​Cave Rescue - Small Party Rescue Rope
Fitness for Technical Rope Rescue Techs
NFPA 2500

Courses LEVEL 3

Horizontal Rigging 
​Gin Poles/Monopods
​Confined Space Rescue 1 - Awareness
​Confined Space Rescue 2 - Operations
​Confined Space Rescue 3 - Technicians
​Tower Rescue Technician
​Tower Rescue for Emergency Responders
​Tower Rescue for Tower Workers

• Access for 25 Students
• Group Analyst Administration
• ​​Unlimited Courses

• Team Member Discussion Group
• ​Field Guides and E/V Books
• ​Rescue Response Gear Specials

The 6-Step Plan for Strategic Rope Rescue TrainingRope Rescue Training

1. Knots & Force Multipliers - Build a strong foundation

2. Anchors & Anchor Systems - Secure your rigging

3. Mechanical Advantage - Increase Efficiency

4. Edge Safety & Belay Systems - Prevent falls and ensure safety

5. Litter Operations - 
Safely transport patients

6. High Directionals & TTRS - Tackle complex rescues 


  • Industrial Safety Professionals
  • Administrators
  • Fire Departments
  • ​Law Enforcement
  • ​Military Units
  • ​Tactical
  • High Angle Rope Rescue Teams
  • Entertainment Riggers
  • ​Search and Rescue Teams
  • ​Tower Rescue Professionals
  • ​Confined Space Rescue Teams
  • ​​​Urban and Industrial Rescue

Testimonies from"TEAM members"

"Integrating vision and mission statements into our SOPs was a game-changer! Now, it's a critical action point, seamlessly woven into our daily operations."

" Adopting diverse rigging techniques and mindsets has empowered our team to 'do more with less.' It's a strategic approach that enhances efficiency and effectiveness."

"In the 'steep to vertical realm,' understanding rigging nuances is paramount for a technical rope rescue team. It's a critical aspect that shapes our precision and safety measures."
Match TEAM with Rigging Lab Assistant AI 
For the first time, AI is transforming how rope rescue professionals learn, adapt, and apply technical knowledge. The Rigging Lab Assistant AI delivers instant, expert-backed solutions by tapping into a deep vault of trusted training, equipment insights, and industry expertise—ensuring you get precise, actionable answers, step-by-step guidance, and decision-ready insights—exactly when you need them.

Rigging LabAcademy TEAM 

Enhance Field Performance through Focused Online Training for Practical Skills

1. Subscribe to TEAM

2. Execute the Plan

3. Expand Perspectives

"In the realm of technical rope rescue, there is no other offering that provides such a comprehensive package of optimization for both individual technicians and entire teams." - Joseph Elm


"So... if you have challenges within leadership (scope, vision, mission ect..) or technical skill set training... the tools and framework are here before you.  So let's do it! " 
- Lance Piatt

Following a Success Path significantly increases
 team unit, cohesion and effectiveness by 70%!

  • Huge increase in Motivation
  • Elevated Engagement
  • Team Confidence
  • ​Safety within the Training Environment
  • ​​No more Wasted Budgets and Resources
  • ​Clarity of scope, expectation and deliverables
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